Blessed be the rabble-rousers, the misfits, for they shall sit at the head of the communal table.
Praise be the free spirits, the wild ones, for they shall be the life-giving oxygen we breathe.
Grace be to the shadow keepers, the dark souls, for they have touched the face of fear and now course through the arterial veins of the universe.
Exalt the misfits, the outcasts, and loners, for their souls run amongst the depths of the waters.
To all who feel unworthy, Pachamama, Earth Mother, calls you,
"My child, you are the enlightened one. You have moved through the darkness searching for light; I am your stronghold. The stars in my heaven sing your name, and the life in my soil whispers Hallelujah for you. My oceans roil in vibration for your life-giving pulse. They shout to you in proclamation. My child, you are my life, my light in times of darkness. You are the moon, the stars, and Aurora in my night sky. You bring forth the sun as it lightens my day. I profess my loyalty to you."
We are the bohemian, the weirdos and freaks… may you embrace your power and move forth into this world. #radicalsozo